Introduction into CommentBox

At the University (RWTH Aachen) Ahmet and Me are Students at we developed a JSF component which lets a Developers add the often needed comment functionality to a page in a few seconds, which then looks like this (also depending on the chosen Primefaces Theme):


After some (heavy) polishment I felt the project was ready to be released to the public on github: Commentbox on Github

The project page with further Information (Documentation, Youtube Video Demo, License, Download link) can be found on the Project Page.

2 thoughts on “Introduction into CommentBox

  1. Hi!, i just love commentBox since i saw it, its great!!, well I tried to use it, and I have a problem, maybe its a little bit silly, but neatbeans IDE keeps telling me:
    The component library does not contain component commentBox

    and of course I added the lib, and everything…, you have any idea of what is happening? thanks a lot…and sorry :$

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