Reddit Link Opener

Reddit Link Opener is a Chrome Extension that will open all Links on the currently opened Frontpage/Subreddit Page in Tabs.

It works on all Subreddits and the Frontpage.








1.0.0 : Initial Release
1.0.1 : Bug Fix: “Only works on the Firstpage”
1.0.2 : Bug Fix: “Opens also links from ‘recent viewed’ ”
1.0.3 : Now works for all Subreddits
1.0.4 : Only unvisited (new) Links will be opened. Can be changed on Option Page.
1.0.5 : You can choose a limit to new Tabs, default is 25. New Design For Options.
1.0.6 : Check for NFSW tag in the link Title.
1.0.7 : Removed Debug Messages.
1.0.8 : Add Keyboard Shortcut Support. You can define the Shortcut in the Options. Default is Ctrl+Shift+F.
1.0.9 : Add option to Open comments.
1.0.10: Add option to Open Imgur-Links directly.
1.1.0 : Open Reddit Companion Bar automatically



Tabs: This Permission is needed to open new Tabs.
History: This Permission is needed to check if you already visited a link.




Credits to leblonk for the code of his “Open All Selected Links” Extension.

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