How to Log Cassandra Queries in Java Spring

To enable logging for cassandra queries with Spring Data and the datastax driver you first need to register a QueryLogger instance with your cluster:

QueryLogger queryLogger = QueryLogger.builder().build();

You also need to specify the log levels for the QueryLogger in your properties:


While you might not always to turn logging on for NORMAL or even SLOW it can ease debugging a lot.

How to get random unique integers in a range with Java

If you are able to use Java 8 or up you can make use of the various methods of Random that return an IntStream.

E.g. if you want to generate random distinct numbers from a range [0, 100) you can use:

OfInt iterator = ThreadLocalRandom.current().ints(0, 100).distinct().iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  System.out.println("Next random number: " +;

Since our range contains 100 Integers and .distinct() was used we can’t draw more than 100 numbers from the stream!

How to convert a String to int / Integer in Java

When you want to convert a String to int or Integer you can use two simple methods from the Integer class.

To convert a String to primitive int use Integer.parseInt(String s)

String a = "1234";
int x = Integer.parseInt(a);

To convert a String to an instance of Integer use Integer.valueOf(String s)

String a = "1234";
Integer x = Integer.valueOf(a);

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How to compare Strings in Java

A common mistake Java novices do is using the == operator to compare Strings. This does almost certainly lead to unexpected and unwanted behaviour. There is a simple solution to this problem and a not so simple explanation why it is such a common mistake.

The simple solution is to use String.equals instead of the == operator.

So when you want to know if two String objects hold the same value instead of

String a = "Test";
String b = "Test";
if (a == b) {
  // Do something

just use this:

String a = "Test";
String b = "Test";
if (a.equals(b)) {
  // Do something

But look out for null Strings, == handles null Strings nicely but when you call

String a = null;
String b = "Test";
if (a.equals(b)) {
  // Do something

it will result in a NullPointerException!

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How to install a (portable) JDK in Windows without admin rights

It recently happened to me that I was stuck at work on a Windows installation without access to admin privileges. While I could use a bunch of portable apps I could not find a portable JDK. To get a portable JDK without admin privileges in Windows you have to follow three simple steps.

Listen to some relaxing music while reading my blog post

1. Download

Download the JDK from Oracle (e.g. JDK 8 8u111).

2. Extract

If you want to use the x86 version simply open the .exe file with 7-Zip. It contains a single file, which contains all the files we need.
Open with 7-Zip

For x64 the can be found in .rsrc\1033\JAVA_CAB10\111\

Extract the to the desired JDK directory (e.g. “D:\JavaJDK\”).
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String replace with callback in Java (like in JavaScript)

When you use JavaScript a lot you are more or less used to the callback-hell, but i hope you love the benefits of passing functions around as much as i do.

For example when replacing a portion of a string:

"test6test12test".replace(/\d+/g, function(str){
  return parseInt(str) * 2;

When doing such things in Java it can be a bit of a hassle, but Lambda-Expressions to the rescue!

Convert a ByteArrayOutputStream into a ByteArrayInputStream

Often while programming you find yourself glueing pre-existing code fragments together. This works out sometimes but even more often it is rather annoying. These days i had to encrypt a pdf and do some other stuff with it in java and therefore put together some libraries i found. One of these libraries offered a method to encrypt the pdf and write the result into a ByteArrayOutputStream. Later then i had to push the encrypted pdf into another method that needed it as a ByteArrayInputStream. First i simply copied the content of the ByteArrayOutputStream as byte array into the ByteArrayInputStream, but this didn’t satisfy me since i knew that the ByteArrayInputStream just needed to be initialized with the internal buffer of the ByteArrayOutputStream. Since this internal buffer is hidden from outside i made up the ByteArrayInOutStream which is a ByteArrayOutputStream that has an additional method that returns a ByteArrayInputStream which is initialized with the internal buffer of the ByteArrayOutputStream. This allows for a instant ‘conversion’ that does not use up more memory than required.

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@Asynchronous does not work from inside the same EJB

I recently needed to start a method asynchronously on the server start up.

I came up with this code (pseudocode):

public StartupEJB {
   private void postConstruct() {
   public void worker() {
      // Do something heavy

This approach failed, the worker() method was not executed asynchronously.

I then found out that the Application Server (in my case JBoss) calls the method directly when it is located inside the same EJB: source.

The solution was to use a seperate EJB that launched the worker Thread:

public class ExecutorBean {
   public void execute(Runnable command) {;


public StartupEJB {
   ExecutorBean executorBean;
   private void postConstruct() {
   public void worker() {
      executorBean.execute(new Runnable() {
         public void run() {
            // Do something heavy

Remove certain item or clear whole OmniFaces cache

The Omnifaces o:cache Component is a useful Tool when trying to speed up you jsf powered website.

But in some situations you need to remove a certain item from the cache or you want to clear the whole cache, while there seems to be a way (Example 4) to remove single items by Key we couldn’t find a ‘official’ way to clear the whole cache.


Here is our Solution to the Problem:

public static boolean removeOmniCacheItem(String key) {    	
	Map<string , Object> applicationMap = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getApplicationMap();
	if (applicationMap.containsKey(DefaultCacheProvider.DEFAULT_CACHE_PARAM_NAME)) {
		synchronized (DefaultCacheProvider.class) {
			if (applicationMap.containsKey(DefaultCacheProvider.DEFAULT_CACHE_PARAM_NAME)) {
				return true;
	return false;
public static boolean clearOmniCache() {    	
	Map</string><string , Object> applicationMap = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getApplicationMap();
	if (applicationMap.containsKey(DefaultCacheProvider.DEFAULT_CACHE_PARAM_NAME)) {
		synchronized (DefaultCacheProvider.class) {
			if (applicationMap.containsKey(DefaultCacheProvider.DEFAULT_CACHE_PARAM_NAME)) {
				return true;
	return false;

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