
I often encounter a problem when downloading my daily tv show in form of rar parts. When doing that i want to open the video file already while downloading (like streaming).

Therefore i made up a small application that clicks the button of the rar application every 1,5s.


Because of that i can watch the partial extracted movie with VLC (i guess several other players can do that too).

The code of the Application basically consists of two functions:
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How to get Main Window Handle of the last active window

While developing a litte application for Windows 7 in C# i encountered the problem that i needed to focus the last window after i started my application. Althought my application was closing after execution immediately, focus was not recurring to the last window because i was starting my application from the windows taskbar. For fixing this side-effect, i needed to find out, which window was active before my programm was “born”. So i did some googling for finding out how to get the previously active window handle in windows 7. In almost every thread, it was recommended to “listen” to window activation changes, and save the previous handle in a variable or so. But in my case, i wanted to avoid, running the programm permanently, or run anything in the background..
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